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Riset Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Pasar Candi, Kecamatan Tuntang

Kamis, 2 Februari 2023, siswa SMK Negeri Satu Atap Tuntang bersama guru Proyek IPAS yaitu Ibu Nazillatur Rohmiyati, M. Pd. dan Agustin Indriani, S.Si., melaksanakan kegiatan outing class. Outing class tersebut dilaksanakan dengan mengunjungi pasar tradisional yang ada di Desa Candirejo, Kecamatan Tuntang. Kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk mengamati pertumbuhan ekonomi di Pasar Candi. Siswa dibekali teknik pengumpulan data baik melalui angket maupun wawancara. Selain itu siswa diminta untuk membuat dokumentasi seperti foto yang selanjutnya akan dibuat sebagai laporan hasil pengamatan.

Melalui kegiatan outing class, siswa sangat tertarik karena bisa menerapkan secara langsung materi yang ada di dalam mata pelajaran Proyek IPAS melalui interaksi sosial di lingkungan pertumbuhan ekonomi Pasar Candi. Dari beberapa hasil wawancara yang dilakukan kepada pedagang di Pasar Candi, pedagang sangat menyukai kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh siswa SMKN Satu Atap Tuntang. “Baru kali ini siswa SMKN Satu Atap Tuntang datang ke pasar beramai-ramai. Semoga kegiatan seperti ini dapat berlangsung secara berkala,” tutur Sarkiyem, pedagang buah salak dan rambutan yang merupakan pedagang terlama karena sudah 34 tahun berdagang di Pasar Candi.

Mendengar tutur kata pedagang tersebut terlihat bahwa Pasar Candi sudah lama berdiri namun kondisi pasar masih tergolong sangat tradisional. Terlihat aktifitas pasar yang sudah mulai sepi di siang hari. Dari hasil pengamatan, wawancara dan angket yang sudah dilakukan oleh siswa terhadap pedagang di Pasar Candi, siswa dapat menganalisis pertumbuhan ekonomi di pasar tersebut. Ke depannya kegiatan pembelajaran yang melibatkan interaksi langsung dengan dunia luar sangatlah perlu ditingkatkan. Dengan tujuan meningkatkan kemampuan bernalar kritis dan juga meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam berkomunikasi baik dengan pihak lain.


Penulis : Nazillatur Rohmiyati, M.Pd., Guru SMKN 1 Tuntang

Editor   : Nurul Rahmawati, M.Pd., Guru SMKN 1 Tuntang

26 komentar

Gobi ariawan, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

I like the pictures above. In my opinion, often the school organizes activities like the one above to socialize with local residents and help the community. Students are like study outside the school. I also want to go to market like them. I feel excited to study in a real life.


Fathia Azmi Hanifah, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

My impression of the above article is quite good. Do an outing classes in various places make students add a lot of flexibility. Increase experience in schools and in the community. So that people can assess what children of SMK Negeri 1 Tuntang do. I also want to do an outing class and experience the real life.


Bayu Ardani Yusuf, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

SMKN 1 TUNTANG Hopefully we can carry out outing class activities again so that students can deepen science lessons through social interaction in the environment of traditional market economic growth


Luluk Alifatus Sholikhah, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

With observations and interviews from students,hopefully in the future students Will have good ideas. How can we make the Candirejo tradisional market develop even more ?In the future learning activities that involve direct interaction with the outside world really need to be improved. With the a IM of increasing critical thinking skills and also to communicate well with other parties.I hope that in the future the students of SMK N 1 Tuntang Will be able to manage the economy they live from the results of their observations to master for their life lessons.


Luluk Alifatus Sholikhah, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

With observations and interviews from students,hopefully in the future students Will have good ideas. How can we make the Candirejo tradisional market develop even more ?In the future learning activities that involve direct interaction with the outside world really need to be improved. With the a IM of increasing critical thinking skills and also to communicate well with other parties.I hope that in the future the students of SMK N 1 Tuntang Will be able to manage the economy they live from the results of their observations to master for their life lessons.


Fuad, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

The activities carried out by friends and teachers were very good. Maybe that can be one way to increase the enthusiasm of the traders, because of the arrival of guests or visits from school children. I totally agree with the visit. It may also be able to increase the market to be more modern, because if there is another visit from another party, it will be ready. But they also have to maintain the name of the market as a traditional market.


Fuad Hasim, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

The activities carried out by friends and teachers were very good. Maybe that can be one way to increase the enthusiasm of the traders, because of the arrival of guests or visits from school children. I totally agree with the visit. It may also be able to increase the market to be more modern, because if there is another visit from another party, it will be ready. But they also have to maintain the name of the market as a traditional market.


Zahwa Aqnia, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

Conducting outing classes and conducting interviews makes students gain insight. Students can also gain experience outside of school.
The surrounding community can also evaluate SMA N 1 Tuntang.
The ideas of the teachers were very brilliant because students could learn but on the go.
I hope I can also experience learning outside the classroom like the students from the article above.


Septian Andhika Rifki, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

I like these observations and interviews because they can mentally train and increase students’ knowledge. It is hoped that with these observations students will be able to manage the economy they have taught for their own future. Hopefully in the future the Candi market can develop into a more advanced market and can meet the needs of the surrounding community. And hopefully the traders in the temple market will be given health and enthusiasm to seek sustenance which is lawful. And enthusiasm for SMK 1 Tuntang in carrying out activities outside of the example such as the observation that the student teachers are given health and knowledge that is blessed, amen, rabbal alamin.


putih hati iman tiara, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

Hopefully the teachers at Tuntang 1 Vocational High School can also implement outing classes. Because during outing classes, apart from getting lessons, we also get experience. We can also introduce our school to the outside community. Students can also deepen science lessons from outing classes. Students can also learn about growth market economy. Thanks to Bu fika as my IPAS teacher.


Farid Ikhsanjati, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

I agree if there is learning outside the classroom because it can add to our insights and train us to interact with the surrounding environment. As well as these activities can improve our social life and add insight about the outside environment. This activity is very fun because we get to know people we don’t know. In traditional markets we can also buy traditional snacks. And we can also buy necessities such as fishing rods and the like.


Kholiq Zidan Mezafi, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

Do not give up in educating me and friends. Keep being our kind and fun teacher. Forgive us if there is a lot of mischief and always procrastinating assignments while the teacher is teaching. No matter how difficult the learning process is, the patience you have makes us all realize that we are getting better. This motivated me and my friends to study hard.


Farid, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

I agree if there is learning outside the classroom because it can add to our insights and train us to interact with the surrounding environment. As well as these activities can improve our social life and add insight about the outside environment. This activity is very fun because we get to know people we don’t know. In traditional markets we can also buy traditional snacks. And we can also buy necessities such as fishing rods and the like.


Kholiq Zidan Mezafi, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

Do not give up in educating me and friends. Keep being our kind and fun teacher. Forgive us if always procrastinating assignments while the teacher is teaching. No matter how difficult the learning process is, the patience you have makes us all realize that we are getting better. This motivated me and my friends to study hard.


NADILA DWI ADELIYA, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

I took part in a project in one of the lessons and we got experience interviewing traders at the Candirejo market. We walked hand in hand with class 10 TB, heading to the temple market.There we asked several traders and recorded the results of the survey on paper. In my opinion, learning methods like this make students more creative in thinking and interacting socially. It could also promote the school to the surrounding area.


Ananda khoirul fahmi, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

l am amazed by the mothers who sell in the market. for being friendly and allowing me to interview him. a fellow trader mother who was very friendly made me even more happy to interview her. with this I get insight and can communicate with people in the market. I also don’t forget to sell the mother’s sales.


Ardila Arosikha, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

Conducting outing classes and conducting interviews makes students gain insight. Students can also gain experience outside of school.
The surrounding community can also evaluate SMK N 1 Tuntang.
The ideas of the teachers were very brilliant because students could learn but on the go.
I hope I can also experience learning outside the classroom like the students from the article above.


Nabilaallyashaqira, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023

These activities add to the experience at school and in the community. So that the public can judge what the children of SMK Negeri 1 Tuntang are doing. I hope that at SMK 1 Tuntang this can hold activities such as mutual cooperation cleaning the market. I also want to do outing classes and experience real life. And students at SMK 1 challenged in the future to be able to do activities like this again at another time.


Elsa Putri Adiana, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023

I agree to do an outing class. Students can learn outside of school. Interviewing traders in the market makes me confident when interviewing. The traders are very student-friendly so I know research on economic growth in the market. So these activities can improve students’ ability to communicate


Hanny aulia, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023

I like the picture above. In my opinion, the school should often hold direct learning in the field. To be able to interact and socialize. I am happy to be able to participate in this activity. I hope other classes can also do this activity. In order to feel the same social activities as above.


Nikita Ailsa, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023

I am very impressed with the website. Thanks to this activity, students become more mentally able to interact with the outside environment. Students become familiar with market conditions and also make social studies interesting and not boring. This activity also makes students know the data of traders in the market. students also become enthusiastic about doing assignments because they are not constantly sitting in class.


Latif imam Syafi'i, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023

We hope to be able to carry out outing class activities again. So that students can deepen science lessons through social interaction in a traditional market economic growth environment. I am very interested in studying outside because we can easily observe the economic developments around us. We can also interact with people we don’t know. From there I learned that interacting with outsiders is very difficult, you have to be prepared mentally and with polite words.


Munas faaizah, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023

From yesterday’s observation the interview time of the students was good. Learning activities that involve direct interaction outside really need to be improved with the ability to think critically and communicate well. I hope that SMK N 1 Tuntang is able to manage the economy and they live it properly.I am happy to be able to participate on this activity.I hope other classes can do this activity.


Muna faiza, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023

From yesterday’s observation the interview time of the students was good. Learning activities that involve direct interaction outside really need to be improved with the ability to think critically and communicate well. I hope that SMK N 1 Tuntang is able to manage the economy and they live it properly.I am happy to be able to participate on this activity.I hope other classes can do this activity.


Luluk Alifatus Sholikhah, Jumat, 10 Feb 2023

With observations and interviews from students,hopefully in the future students Will have good ideas. How can we make the Candirejo tradisional market develop even more ? In the future learning activities that involve direct interaction with the outside world really need to be improved. With the a im of increasing critical thinking skills and also to communicate Well With other parties. I hope that in future the students of SMK N 1 Tuntang Will be able to manage the economy they live from the results of their observations to master for their life lessons.


Luluk Alifatus Sholikhah, Jumat, 10 Feb 2023

With observations and interviews from students,hopefully in the future students Will have good ideas.How can we make the Candirejo tradisional market develop even more ? In the future learning activities that involve direct interaction with the outside world really need to be improved. Whit the a im of increasing critical thinking skills and also to communicate well with other parties.I hope that in the future the students of SMK N 1 Tuntang be able able to manage the economy they live from the results of their observations to master for their life lessons.



Tefa Prodi TKJ

Majalah SMKN 1 Tuntang

Data Sekolah

SMKN 1 Tuntang

NPSN : 6990563

Jl. Mertokusumo Candirejo Tuntang Kabupaten Semarang
KEC. Tuntang
KAB. Semarang
PROV. Jawa Tengah
KODE POS 50773
TELEPON 085641080982
FAX 0723-1234567

Novel Karya Siswa

Toilet SMKN 1 Tuntang

Tefa Prodi Tata Busana

Laboratorium Komputer


September 2024