Indonesia kaya akan bermacam – macam agama, suku, sejarah, wisata, adat dan budaya. Salah satunya adalah Candi Gedong Songo yang terletak di Kecamatan Bandungan, Kabupaten Semarang, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Dalam melestarikan budaya serta toleransi antar umat beragama dari masyarakat dan beberapa komunitas, digelarlah acara 1001 Tumpeng yang bertempat di Pelataran Candi Gedong Songo. Acara 1001 Tumpeng tersebut dilaksanakan pada Minggu, 26 Februari 2023, diawali dengan kirab. Kirab adalah perjalanan bersama-sama atau beriring-iringan dari pelataran pendopo menuju candi satu. Acara kedua yakni doa bersama. Doa lintas agama diwakili oleh beberapa beberapa tokoh agama yang hadir. Dilanjutkan dengan makan bersama.
Setelah itu dilanjutkan dengan makan tumpeng bersama-sama dengan masyarakat yang hadir. Untuk memeriahkan acara tersebut ditampilkanlah beberapa pertunjukan seni. Salah satunya adalah pentas seni tari dan teater dari SMK Negeri Satu Atap Tuntang bersama Sanggar Perdikan, Kecamatan Tuntang. Judul dari pertunjukan tersebut ialah “Umbul Dongo Tanpo Celo” yang berarti dalam berdoa kita tidak boleh memastikan berhasil atau tidak, pasrahkan diri kita kepada Tuhan. Heny Susilowati, salah satu siswi SMKN 1 Tuntang berpendapat, “Acara 1001 Tumpeng di Candi Gedong Songo sangat seru. Selain itu pentas seni dan teater dapat menambah pengalaman. Saya juga mendapatkan banyak wawasan, bisa belajar tentang budaya dan menambah teman.”
Penulis : Bayu Aji Saputra, S.Pd.Kom., Guru SMKN 1 Tuntang
Editor : Nurul Rahmawati, M.Pd., Guru SMKN 1 Tuntang
10 komentar
Agus windarto, Rabu, 1 Mar 2023
Budaya leluhur sangat tinggi tidak bisa di ukur dengan materi merupakan tonggak berdirinya peradaban suatu daerah seperti kab.semarang memiliki banyak kemajemukan baik tradisi,budaya dan adat kebiasaan saya bangga dgn keberagaman di kab.semarang
Marzukoh, Rabu, 1 Mar 2023
Semangat dalam menambah wawasan dan melestarikan budaya indonesia.
Suparna, Rabu, 1 Mar 2023
Saya selaku ketua Sanggar Perdikan mohon maaf bila blm sempurna membimbing adik2
MIFTAH NURHIDAYAH, Selasa, 7 Mar 2023
I appreciate the students of SMKN 1 Tuntang for preserving culture and socially to perform at the Gedong Songo platform. As a player I am very happy and proud to be able to participate in it. And also on the other hand we can also get to know many of the artists and elders who were there. I thank you for being given the opportunity to perform at Gedong Songo. I hope I can perform those kind of drama musical again.
Elsa Fatika Anggraini, Selasa, 7 Mar 2023
I appreciate that high school students can preserve the culture that exists in the Semarang districtand. I’m happy to get to know the lovely people there.I’m proud of myself for being able to perform there. There, I was the narrator, being villager and also dancer. I hope my friends and I can perform again and entertainment the audience.
ANNISA IKASARI, Selasa, 7 Mar 2023
I appreciate that high school students can preserve the culture that exists in the Semarang district. I am also happy to get to know many licensed artists. Many artists display a good sense of humor. Hopefully in the future there will be many students who preserve culture. I am proud to be given a job offer to perform at the Songo building.
Ikhsan Eki Setiawan, Kamis, 9 Mar 2023
Very high ancestral culture cannot be measured in material terms, which is a milestone for the establishment of civilization in an area like Semarang Regency. It has a lot of diversity, both traditions, culture and customs. I am proud of the diversity in Semarang Regency
Ikhsan Eki Setiawan, Kamis, 9 Mar 2023
The ancestral culture is very good, it cannot be measured in material terms, it is a milestone for the establishment of civilization in an area like Semarang Regency. It has a lot of diversity, both traditions, culture and customs. I am proud of the diversity in Semarang Regency
M. Atiq, Kamis, 9 Mar 2023
I am so proud of my friends’ performance. They are very talented and preserve the art or tradition. I want to watch the performance also. Keep your spirit guys. All of you are amazing.
Ifwa furaikha, Senin, 20 Mar 2023
I appreciate that high school students can preserve the culture that exists in the Semarang district.
I am a student of SMK N 1 Tuntang very happy to be able to take part in the stage.
I am very happy to be able to participate preserving the culture around me.
There are so many cultures around us, so we must preserve them.