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  • 2 tahun yang lalu / SMK Negeri Satu Atap Tuntang membuka pendaftaran penerimaan anggota OSIS (Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah) tahun pelajaran 2022/2023, bagi peserta didik yang masih aktif bersekolah di SMKN Satu Atap Tuntang. Pendaftaran ini dilakukan melalui tautan Google Form yang dibagikan melalui grup WhatsApp kelas, oleh masing-masing wali kelas. Melalui tautan yang telah dibagikan, peserta didik harus mengisi...

Produk Kreatif Kewirausahaan atau PKK merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang diajarkan pada peserta didik kelas XII (dua belas) Tata Busana (TB). Dalam mata pelajaran PKK, peserta didik diwajibkan membuat suatu produk usaha yang didapat dari pesanan pelanggan. Mereka harus mencari pelanggan untuk memesan produk yang akan dibuat, antara lain tote bag, menjahit busana, menjahit celemek dan lain-lain sesuai dengan keinginan pelanggan. Konsep berwirausaha diberikan kepada siswa-siswi untuk menjadi bekal ketika mereka lulus dan melanjutkan berwirausaha. Hal tersebut diberikan agar mereka mampu bersaing dalam dunia wirausaha yang berkembang pada saat ini, karena saat ini anak muda sudah berkembang pesat untuk dunia usaha. Dari pembelajaran PKK berbasis wirausaha tersebut, siswa juga mendapatkan uang atau upah sesuai dengan pesanan dari pelanggan. Siswa membuat laporan yang terdiri dari desain, project sewing, cara menentukan harga pokok produksi, laba dan harga jual.

Salah satu siswi bernama Stefani mendapat pelanggan untuk dibuatkan tote bag yang dilukis. Pelanggan tersebut salah satunya adalah guru SMK Negeri 1 Tuntang yaitu Ibu Fajar Rosiati Jati, S.Pd. Stefani mengaku senang karena dapat mengembangkan skill menjahit serta melukis. “Saya merasa sangat senang dalam mata pelajaran PKK kali ini, karena pelanggan memesan tote bag yang dapat melatih melukis atau menggambar di atas kain. Selain itu saya juga mendapatkan upah sesuai dengan hasil kerja sendiri, pelanggan merasa puas dan senang terhadap produk yang saya buat,” kata Stefani. Sementara itu Ibu Fajar Rosiati Jati, S.Pd. mengaku puas dan senang terhadap produk yang dibuat oleh Stefani dari hasil jahitan, hasil lukisan dan ukurannya sesuai dengan keinginan.


Penulis : Iva Luthfiana, S.Pd., Guru SMKN 1 Tuntang

Editor  : Nurul Rahmawati, M.Pd., Guru SMKN 1 Tuntang

16 komentar

Sani miftakhurohman, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023

this is an example of applying the learning they have learned while studying there, even though sometimes they make mistakes it can be a lesson from the mistakes they make, I really support this because it can make them ready for the world of work in the future and before they work they have got work experience even though it’s not much but this can help them to work so they don’t make the same mistakes again, in my opinion this needs to be improved so that they get more experience, but not all are ready for the work training so it’s necessary selection of students who are ready for work training is carried out, maybe this is what I can convey in this comment, although not much, hopefully it can help the teacher involved to improve student performance, sometimes student talent cannot grow because of this, I hope this school can win To become a dream school for children who will look for their secondary school, cheers


Ariyanti, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

Those things that schools do are very useful if students can apply them in community life. There are many things that students have to explore to get provisions to face the social economy, especially high school students. They are trained to create something new and students are required to see the world around them to find new ideas. I hope that students will be more creative and not discouraged so that in the future they can produce extraordinary and useful works for society.


Kania Aminatusiva, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

State Vocational High School 1 Tuntang can encourage student talents to create products. It really helps to increase the creativity of students. The opportunity to make products from customers to get customers is to get criticism and suggestions. So they can add effort to make products that are increasingly. Ensures good marketing in terms of quality of goods resulting from the performance of businesses for entrepreneurship. Trains students to practice independently, creatively, disciplined and trains them to prepare for work in the business sector. Good luck School 1 Tuntang.


SATRIA ALDI KUSUMA, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

Education at this school is fairly good because since it was founded until now more and more students are attending school here and a lot of development has also been carried out to provide good facilities for existing students.
good and friendly staff who really support teaching and learning activities. Here you will also get the education you want. There are also extracurricular activities such as scouting, volleyball, and martial arts.


Alrafi hafis valensi, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

my good friend, many of us (students) still think like most students and other students in general, after graduation then look for work, this kind of thinking is common and even most people think like that instantly, there’s nothing wrong with thinking like that anyway that’s good, channeling the skills you have to serve the advancement of certain companies or institutions, right or not?

but it will be a problem, if all people in Indonesia, especially young people, students and students are made the main goal after graduation. How come ?

High creativity must be owned by every individual (especially students) in the field they are involved in, including in the world of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is a combination of creativity, innovation and the courage to face risks by working hard to form and maintain a business. Entrepreneurial success will be achieved if it is supported by various factors including creativity.

The phenomenon that is happening right now is that a lot of students when they graduate from college they just want to be an employee, this can be seen from the results of various surfey interviews with students, around 75% answered that they would apply for work, in other words, to become employees (employees), and only about 4% those who answered wanted to be self-employed, and the rest became employees and self-employed.


Lely Aulia Zakia, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

This implementation has a positive impact. This application needs to be done and improved, so that students express their own ideas or creativity. Students also have experience for their future. Students can also feel a sense of satisfaction and pleasure for the hard work done. I hope there are many students who are willing to express their ideas and can make ‘something’ with their own effort and hard work.


SENJA MAULIDYA, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023

I agree with what you typed, because in the fashion department we can make creative ideas, draw, paint, and so on.Apart from that, in fashion we can also make clothes or products such as painted tote bags.These products can also be sold if we make products that are unique and have good quality.SMK Negeri 1 Tuntang also provides sewing machines,overlock machines, and so on.Even though the school is not much, I admit that the facilities at this school are quite good.


Rosita Dewi, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023

What students do is very useful if students can apply it in everyday life. SMK N 1 Tuntang students are very creative in making products. They are trained to create something new and creative. SMK N 1 Tuntang can encourage students’ talents to create products Even more interesting, these activities can train students to be independent, creative and disciplined. Continued success at SMK Negeri 1 Tuntang


Umar zakarya nawawi, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023

I really like this program because students are taught to share existing ideas. It can also increase pocket money and save money. It is suitable to be used as motivation to always work. So students can also increase their confidence because they can make / produce something on their own. Also to add insight when they want to build a business, good luck.


Asda Tiara F., Kamis, 9 Feb 2023

Cool majors can train students’ creativity and improve their abilities. I salute the students who are able to match their talents to their majors. I also came to know the meaning and meaning of PKK in this department. Its use is being able to learn while working. It can also earn income in the form of wages and customer satisfaction from the business and work results.


Galih permana jr, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023

Education at this school is fairly good because since it was founded until now more and more students are attending school here and a lot of development has also been carried out to provide good facilities for existing students.
good and friendly staff really support teaching and learning activities. Here you will also get the education you want. There are also extracurricular activities such as scouting, volleyball, and others


Muhamad rizky saputra, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023

The best and talentd students can improve school’s quality. There are also various art talents in SMK1TUNTANG.I am very proud of my school.I will always gain my skills


Anggita juan, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023

Believe in yourself, your abilities, your ideas. You will spend a lot of time in the beginning of your studies just thinking about how, heck, to succeed or should you do what other people say, you can’t build a strong relationship or business if Believe in yourself, your abilities, your ideas. You will spend a lot of time in the beginning of your studies just thinking about how to succeed or should you do what other people say, you can’t build a strong relationship or business if you don’t be yourself. don’t be yourself.


Mahayu Resti Alindi, Jumat, 10 Feb 2023

Entrepreneurship creative products or PKK really hone the creativity of students and female students. I am very proud of this project because it really helps students sharpen their brains. Moreover, this is also given so that they are able to compete in the growing entrepreneurial world at this time. Students can also earn money if skills are well developed. I am very proud of SMK N 1 Tuntang and the teachers here


Wanda Astika Ayu Leviana, Jumat, 10 Feb 2023

Students are able to develop their talents for entrepreneurship. Students are trained to be creative, train students for business opportunities, make their own money, be independent and practice as experience for work.

Balas, Jumat, 10 Feb 2023

Entrepreneurship is given to students to be equipped when they graduate and continue entrepreneurship. This is given so that they are able to compete in the world of entrepreneurship that is developing at this tim. Because now young people have developed rapidly for the business world. Good luck so that they can develop the ideas given.



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Majalah SMKN 1 Tuntang

Data Sekolah

SMKN 1 Tuntang

NPSN : 6990563

Jl. Mertokusumo Candirejo Tuntang Kabupaten Semarang
KEC. Tuntang
KAB. Semarang
PROV. Jawa Tengah
KODE POS 50773
TELEPON 085641080982
FAX 0723-1234567

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Toilet SMKN 1 Tuntang

Tefa Prodi Tata Busana

Laboratorium Komputer


Januari 2025