Sosialisasi program seni budaya menjadi kegiatan awal SMK Negeri Satu Atap Tuntang pada tahun 2023. Terselenggaranya kegiatan ini tidak lepas dari keberhasilan siswa SMKN Satu Atap Tuntang dalam mengikuti lomba seni, yang diadakan Kecamatan Tuntang tahun 2022 dan memperoleh juara II (dua) tingkat Kabupaten Semarang. Sosialisasi program seni budaya tersebut dilaksanakan pada Senin, 9 Januari 2023, bertempat di Ruang Praktik Siswa Tata Busana (RPS TB) SMKN Satu Atap Tuntang. Penyelenggaranya adalah Sanggar Seni Perdikan Desa Candirejo, yang diwakili oleh Bapak Suprana dan Bapak Suprihantoro. Kegiatan ini juga menggandeng Dewan Kesenian Kecamatan Tuntang yakni Ibu Sita dan pemerhati seni Kecamatan Tuntang yakni Ibu Palupi, istri dari Bapak Camat Tuntang.
Tujuan dari program sosialisasi seni budaya adalah untuk mengembangkan bakat siswa di bidang seni, serta menumbuhkembangkan kecintaan kaum muda dalam bidang kesenian. Ibu Sita memberikan materi mengenai seni budaya dan mengajak siswa untuk melestarikannya. Sedangkan, Bapak Suparna menyampaikan bahwa seni bisa melatih kepercayaan diri siswa karena berani tampil di hadapan penonton. Pada akhir kegiatan Ibu Palupi memberikan sebuah buku kumpulan puisi karya beliau pada M. Alif Noya Sya’fa Abi, siswa kelas X (sepuluh) Tata Busana, yang berani menampilkan tari kreasi dan membacakan sebuah puisi di depan peserta sosialisasi. Selain itu, Ibu Palupi juga menyerahkan 3 (tiga) buku puisi karyanya untuk menambah koleksi buku fiksi di perpustakaan SMKN Satu Atap Tuntang.
Penulis : Mariati, S.Pd., M.Pd., Kepala SMKN Satu Atap Tuntang
Editor : Nurul Rahmawati, S.Pd., M.Pd., Guru SMKN Satu Atap Tuntang
18 komentar
Suparna, Selasa, 10 Jan 2023
Mohon maaf belum maksimal,mari seni dan budaya kita lestarikan, Bapak Ibu Guru mohon kita dibantu.Ketua Sanggar Perdikan
admin, Rabu, 11 Jan 2023
Terima kasih Bapak Suparna. Semoga semakin banyak peserta didik SMKN 1 Tuntang yang bisa bergabung dengan Sanggar Perdikan.
Rio Fauzi, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023
SMKN 1 Tuntang is one of the schools with students who are talented at drawing, the drawings are also very good, once he held a competition between students at RPS TB and almost all students have very good drawing talent
M. white paper, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023
enthusiasm for school principals and teachers in the future they can be even better so they can achieve even higher achievements
Muhammad Fahri Sidiq, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023
enthusiasm for the principal and teachers, hopefully in the future it can be even better so that they can achieve even higher achievements.
Syafiq Bhamakerti Isard, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023
In my opinion, this school is very good and very big and hopefully in the future it will be further improved and the teachers will hopefully be even better in the future
Rayhan Namdahul Hadi, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023
SMK N 1 Tuntang, is an online-based school, also contains pretty good art, the teachers are friendly and patient, the school is also refreshing because there are views of the mountains and the beautiful fields. Good luck for the best students, we hope can also achieve it in the next time.
Bara Azzuhri, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023
enthusiasm for the principal and teachers, hopefully in the future they can be even better so they can achieve even higher achievements. We have to improve our skills and talenta especially artis .
Aslih sanana bilhaki, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
SMKN 1 Tuntang is one of the schools with students who are talented at drawing. The drawings are also very good, once he held a competition between students at RPS TO and almost all students have very good drawing talent. We always train and reveal our talent and skills on art. SMKN 1 Tuntang always support their students to improve their talent. We are proud to be a part of SMKN 1 Tuntang.
Muhammad Rif'an Maulana Auladi, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
Congratulations to the students of SMK N 1 Tuntang for their success in winning the art competition. I hope that in the future they will be good again. Thank you for SMKN 1 Tuntang because always support the students. The teachers are kind hearted. We are proud to be a family of SMKN 1 Tuntang.
Nugroho saputro, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
SMKN 1 Tuntang, is an online-based school, also contains pretty good art. The teachers are friendly and patient. The school is also refreshing because there are views of the mountains and the beautiful fields. Good luck for the best students. We hope can also achieve it in the next time.
Dzunnurain Affan, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
Enthusiasm for school principals and teachers. In the future they can be even better so they can achieve even higher achievements. We always happy become a big family of SMKN 1 Tuntang. Bu Nurul Rahmawati is the best teacher and Pak Agung is very handsome. I always excited study here.
Alfrido Muhammad Kelvin, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
Semangat kepala sekolah SMKN 1 Tuntang dan guru semua. Semoga ke depannya bisa lebih baik lagi sehingga bisa meraih prestasi yang lebih tinggi. Selain itu semoga sekolah ini bisa lebih maju lagi. Nama saya Alfrido and I like my school. My favourite teacher is Bu Nurul Rahma. Good luck.
Muhammad haikal, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
As a student I always support arts and culture activities. It is because many cultures are almost forgotten and the younger generation of children must pass on our culture. I also like artis such as drawing. I hope next time I can reach achievement. So my school Will be proud of me
Muhammad Yusuf bachtiar, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
Enthusiasm for school principals and teachers in the future. They can be even better so they can achieve even higher achievements. We are very proud of my teachers. Improve your writing skill and upload to the website. Thanks to cabdin I for the reward.
Muhamad ainal izza, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
I congratulate SMKN 1 Tuntang on its success. In fact the struggle faced is not easy. But with SMKN 1 Tuntang we can get through this. Be happy and keep the spirit. Maintain cohesiveness and harmony.
Lutfi, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
The enthusiasm of all members of Tuntang 1 Vocational High School and the principal of the school.
I hope that in the future they can be even better so they can achieve even higher achievements. The art education is very important. It can improve students talent and soft skill. Good luck everyone.
Abdul, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023
As a student at SMKN 1 Tuntang, I always support arts and cultural activities. Because many cultures are almost forgotten and generations of young people have to pass down culture. I also like artists such as painting. I hope that many students will participate in arts and culture and can also achieve achievements and make Tuntang 1 Vocational High School proud. I hope I can also reach my achievement. See you guys on top.