Anugerah Prestasi Cabang Dinas Pendidikan Wilayah I merupakan ajang kegiatan untuk mengapresiasi prestasi Satuan Pendidikan SMA, SMK dan SLB se-Cabang Dinas Pendidikan Wilayah I. Acara Anugerah Prestasi diselenggarakan pada Jumat, 3 Februari 2023, bertempat di SMA Karangturi Semarang. Kategori penghargaan yang diberikan antara lain Satuan Pendidikan dengan prosentase terbanyak menggunakan Platform Merdeka Mengajar, sekolah dengan jumlah guru penggerak terbanyak, sekolah berpartisipasi dalam publikasi website Cabdin I, sekolah dengan prestasi siswa terbaik dan penghargaan siswa berprestasi.
Dari beberapa kategori penghargaan tersebut SMK Negeri Satu Atap Tuntang berhasil meraih penghargaan sekolah terbaik kategori partisipasi dalam publikasi website Cabang Dinas Pendidikan Wilayah I. Keberhasilan ini tidak lepas dari peran dan semangat Bapak Ibu guru dan Karyawan SMKN Satu Atap Tuntang dalam berliterasi khususnya publikasi ilmiah dalam bentuk penulisan artikel. Penghargaan ini mengawali prestasi SMKN Satu Atap Tuntang di tahun 2023. Semoga dengan memperoleh penghargaan menjadi pemicu meningkatnya motivasi warga sekolah, baik guru, tenaga kependidikan dan siswa untuk berkarya serta menorehkan prestasi.
Penulis : Mariati, M.Pd., Kepala SMKN 1 Tuntang
Editor : Nurul Rahmawati, M.Pd., Guru SMKN 1 Tuntang
31 komentar
M MIFTAHUL HUDA R, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
Congratulations to SMKN 1 Tuntang for winning the best school award in the category of participation in the publication of the regional education office branch website 1. I hope that for this achievement, SMKN 1 Tuntang can make more achievements and will motivate more students to attend as well as other schools outside to achieve success in education. Thanks to teachers who always write the article. Especially big thanks to Bu Nurul who manage the website. Good luck, Allah bless you.
M. Farid Rachman, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
Congratulations on your achievement. I hope you can become a better school and it is hoped that more awards will be obtained. Keep the spirit and good luck. Thanks to Bu Nurul Rahma who always diligent and manage the school website. Thanks also goes to Bu Nurul Rahayu who is my homeroom teacher.
Putra Dimas Aditiya, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
Congratulations on getting the best website award and hopefully you will win other awards. Hopefully, students of SMK N 1 will get their talents and achievements also. Good job Bu Nurul as the website editor. We proud of you.
Febian agil satrio, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
Congratulations on the award you hae got. Hopefully in the future you can be more advanced and successful. Thank you Cabdin I for the award. I hope next year Satap will get achievement again. Good luck.
rizky leo pamungkas, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
I sincerely congratulate SMKN 1 Tuntang for the award. I see the school working very hard every day to achieve this achievement. And I can’t think of anyone who deserves it more. This school provides an outstanding example for all other schools. Good job.
Khairul Anwar, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
Congratulations on the award you have got. Hopefully in the future you can be more advanced and successful. Thanks to teachers who have contributed in writing articles. We proud of you and always inspire US. May Allah bless my teachers.
Indira Tri Amanda, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
Congratulations to SMK N 1 TUNTANG who has achieved the best school award.
Hopefully with this award, SMK N 1 TUNTANG can achieve more.
The struggle faced to get the award is not easy
Be happy and keep the spirit to move forward again
Thank you teacher for writing this article.
astrinanda martha putri, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
Congratulations to SMKN 1 Tuntang for winning the best school award on the branch education office website 1. Hopefully with this achievement SMKN 1 Tuntang can go even further and motivate more new students to join SMKN 1 TUNTANG. This school provides a good example good for other schools. Thank you all for your cooperation. Always happy and see you on top.
Congratulations on the award that has been won by SMK Negeri 1 Tuntang. I also feel proud and happy for the victory that has been achieved by the school. Hopefully, many victories will be won by SMK Negeri 1 Tuntang in the future so that the school can become more famous in the community and make the school’s name proud. I hope that in the future, all that has been achieved by SMK Negeri 1 Tuntang can increase the enthusiasm for learning of students.
Gustin Aga Tasya, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
Wow, congratulations on the award that has been obtained by SMK Negeri 1 Tuntang in the category of Participation in Website Publication Cabdin I. With the increase in achievements, I hope that it will be known by many people and increase in facilities and school construction. Hopefully it can trigger an increase in students to work and get good achievements.
Thanks to all the hard working teachers. Especially Mrs. Nurul Rahma who has edited and uploaded all teachers article.
ARDILA WAHYU RUKMANA, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
Congratulations on the success of Tuntang 1 Vocational School in the regional education office branch achievement award 1. By receiving this award I hope that school members will be motivated to continue working and make various achievements. Thanks to Mrs. Mariati, M.Pd. as the principal of SMKN 1 Tuntang and Mrs. Nurul Rahmawati, M.Pd. as a teacher at SMKN 1 Tuntang who has edited and uploaded this article in website. Hopefully SMKN 1 Tuntang continues to shine as time goes by. See you all on top.
ARDILA WAHYU RUKMANA, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023
Congratulations on the success of Tuntang 1 Vocational School in the regional education office branch achievement award 1. By receiving this award I hope that school members will be motivated to continue working and make various achievements. Thanks to Mrs. Mariati, M.Pd. as the principal of SMKN 1 Tuntang and Mrs. Nurul Rahmawati, M.Pd. as a teacher at SMKN 1 Tuntang who has edited and uploaded this article in website. Hopefully SMKN 1 Tuntang continues to shine as time goes by. See you all on top.
Ahmad Tri Wijananto, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023
Congratulations to SMK Negeri 1 Tuntang for the award that has been won by the best school website. I hope this school can be even more advanced in terms of virtual and non-virtual achievements. In terms of TKJ, TB, TO, I hope that we can get achievements in their fields favorite. I hope that the students at this vocational school can develop the things they have intended from the start, such as wanting to enter tkj because they want the TO computer to go to the TB motorbike field to the fashion sector.
M . SANDI .R, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023
Hopefully this school will be given convenience and fluency, and hopefully it can develop into a very good school. Later this school can become a good and peaceful school. Hopefully in the coming years the construction of this school will run smoothly and the results will be good, as well as the teachers at SMKN 1 TUNTANG I wish you good health and fluency. Thanks goes to Bu Nurul Rahma as the website admin. She writes so many articles and it is incredible.
Rusena arjanggi, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023
Congratulations on the award you have received, hopefully in the future it will be more advanced and successful in developing, thank you for the Tuntang Roof Vocational School. Thank you to Mrs. Nurul Rahma who is always diligent in managing the website
Luna Chelsy Verdalina Citra, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023
Wow, congratulations on the success of SMK N 1 Tuntang in the regional education service branch achievement award 1. I am very proud of the achievements of SMK N 1 Tuntang on Friday 3 February 2023. I hope that after this SMK N 1 Tuntang can continue to achieve success. I am very grateful to the teachers for making the school proud. Hopefully with this award, SMK N 1 Tuntang can achieve even more.
Arham Attarifat, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023
Congratulations on your award. I hope the website can be even better, and Thank you for the website admin Bu Nurul Rahma of SMKN 1 TUNTANG. Hopefully the construction of the school can continue. Besides that hopefully in the future can get another award.Thanks SMKN 1 Tuntang for your hard work.
Sasqya Wulan Pratiwi, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023
Congratulations on the success of SMKN 1 Atap Tuntang in winning a school in the cabdin 1 website publication participation category. Hopefully this school will be more advanced and developed. In addition, students at SMKN 1 Atap Tuntang can achieve the dreams they have dreamed of studying at this SMK. From this website, we hope that parents trust their children to study here. Hopefully with this many people will be interested in SMKN 1 Atap Tuntang.
Melladatul Anesa, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023
Congratulations to SMK N 1 Tuntang for the achievements he has achieved. Hopefully he will always progress and add to his achievements. Hopefully in the future he can win more competitions. Success is always for the principal who has worked hard to advance this school and hopefully can make more articles.Thanks also goes to Mrs.Nurul Rahmawati as website school admin and writers.
Sebastian Abimanyu putera interista, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023
Congratulations on school achievements. As long as the teachers teach here we as students feel happy. As long as I am studying here, I feel very happy to have been guided by father and mother teacher. I am proud to have a teacher like you and your mother. I hope We students can be a motivation for teachers and gentlemen in improving the intelligence of the nation’s children
Chandra eka p., Rabu, 8 Feb 2023
Congratulations on the award received by SMKN 1 Tuntang for winning the best school in the category of participation in the publication of the CABDIN 1 website that he received. SMKN 1 Tuntang deserves it because this success cannot be separated from the role and enthusiasm of the teachers and employees of the Tuntang One Roof Vocational High School in literacy, especially scientific publications in the form of writing articles. This award starts the achievements of Tuntang One Roof Vocational High School in 2023. Hopefully getting this award will trigger increased motivation for school residents, both teachers, education staff and students to work and make achievements. Thank you for the hard work of ladies and gentlemen teachers & staff SMAKN 1 TUNANG I hope you are always healthy and Allah bless you.
Raya Diva Soluha, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023
Congratulations to SMK N 1 Tuntang for winning the best school award in the category of publication participation on the branch website of the regional education office. I hope that with this victory SMK N 1 Tuntang can provide motivation for many people. Hopefully in the future this school can achieve more achievements. Thanks for the hard work of all the teachers. Especially, the headmaster of the school who has guided the school community to be better again and again.
Farahilda Adelia, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023
As long as for SMK 1 Tuntang who won the CABDIN 1 WEBSITE PUBLICATION PARTICIPATION category. I am proud to be a student at SMK 1 Tuntang because of the achievements I got at SMK 1 Tuntang. I hope this school can develop and progress to achieve more. Thanks to Mrs.Nurul Rahmawati as the busy school website admin. I hope there will be so many teachers who can contribute in writing the articles.
Congratulations to SMK N 1 Tuntang for winning the best school award in the category of publication participation on the branch website of the regional education office. Hopefully with this victory SMK N 1 Tuntang can provide motivation for many people. Hopefully in the future this school can achieve even better achievements. Thanks for the hard work of all the teachers. Especially the principal who has guided the school community to be even better and more successful in the future
Nasella Effi Aulia, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
Congratulations on the success of SMKN 1 Atap Tuntang for winning the school in the Cabdin 1 Website Publication Participant category. We hope that it will always progress, develop and add to its achievements. I am very proud of the achievements achieved by SMKN 1 Atap Tuntang. I hope that SMKN 1 Atap Tuntang can continue to achieve success. Hopefully the construction of this school can continue and be more victorious.
Wahyu Almu'arofah, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
Congratulations to SMKN 1 Tuntang for winning the best school award in the category of participation in branch 1 education office website publication. Hopefully it can become a better school and hopefully get more awards. Thanks to the teachers and employees of SMKN 1 Tuntang in literacy, especially scientific publications in the form of article writing. Thank you also to Ms. Nurul Rahmawati who manages the school’s website. Stay enthusiastic and always successful.
Sifa aulia salsabilla, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
Congratulations to SMK N 1 TUNTANG, because SMK 1N TUNTANG won the best school award in the participation category.and im proud to be a student at SMK 1 Tuntang because of the achievements I got at SMK 1 tuntang.
Muhamad rizky saputra, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
The best and talentd students can improve school’s quality. There are also various art talents in SMK1TUNTANG.I am very proud of my school.I will always gain my skills
Muhammad abid hakim, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
Congratulations on the success of SMKN 1 Atap Tuntang in winning a school in the cabdin 1 website publication participation category. Hopefully this school will be more advanced and developed. In addition, students at SMKN 1 Atap Tuntang can achieve the dreams they have dreamed of studying at this SMK. From this website, we hope that parents trust their children to study here. Hopefully with this many people will be interested in SMKN 1 Atap Tuntang.
Vera oktavia, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
Congratulations on the award you got. Hopefully in the future we can be more advanced and successful. This school provides a great example. I hope that the students of SMK N 1 Tuntang will also get their talents and achievements. Keep it up!
Annisa Nurul Hidayah, Kamis, 9 Mar 2023
Congratulations on the award that has been obtained by SMK Negeri 1 Tuntang in the participation category in the publication of the Cabdin website. By receiving this award, I hope that school members will be motivated to continue working and allow various achievements. Hopefully in the future it will be more advanced and successful. thanks to Mrs. Nurul Rahmawati as the school website admin and writer