Perputakaan sekolah harus melakukan pelayanan peningkatan literasi bagi kemajuan seluruh warga sekolah. Sesuai dengan Undang-Undang No. 43 Tahun 2007, “Perpustakaan adalah institusi pengelola koleksi karya tulis, karya cetak, dan/atau karya rekam secara profesional dengan sistem yang baku guna memenuhi kebutuhan pendidikan, penelitian, pelestarian, informasi, dan rekreasi para siswa sebagai penggunaan perpustakaan.” Bafadal (2009: 6) menyebutkan bahwa perpustakaan sekolah merupakan sumber belajar, karena kegiatan yang paling tampak pada setiap kunjungan siswa adalah belajar, baik belajar masalah-masalah yang berhubungan langsung dengan mata pelajaran yang diberikan di kelas, maupun buku-buku lain yang tidak berhubungan langsung dengan mata pelajaran yang diberikan di kelas. Apabila ditinjau dari sudut tujuan siswa mengunjungi perpustakaan sekolah, maka ada yang tujuannya untuk belajar, untuk berlatih menelusuri buku-buku perpustakaan sekolah, untuk memperoleh informasi, bahkan ada yang tujuannya hanya untuk mengisi waktu senggang atau sifatnya rekreatif.
Jelas bahwa keberadaan perpustakaan adalah peting di lingkungan sekolah. Namun keterbatasan membuat pihak sekolah harus menemukan gagasan yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan literasi. Dengan belajar analisa SWOT (Albert Humphrey : 1960-1970) membawa dampak luar biasa di segala bidang, termasuk pendidikan. Ini adalah penemuan yang membantu semua bidang pekerjaan, merupakan suatu teknik analisis mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberlangsungan yang digunakan untuk membuat suatu perencanaan dalam berbagai bidang. SWOT merupakan singkatan dari Strength (kekuatan), Weakness (Kelemahan), Opportunities (Peluang), dan Threats (Ancaman). Jadi, analisis SWOT ini ditujukan untuk melihat berbagai kemungkinan yang akan terjadi ketika menjalankan suatu rencana. Artinya, dengan teknik analisis ini kita dapat mengantisipasi segala kemungkinan yang muncul.
SMK Negeri 1 Tuntang bembuat trobosan di tengah keterbatasan. Keterbatasan ruang di mana belum permanen harus berseblahan dengan ruang teori pembelajaran. Sekolah belum memiliki aplikasi perpustakaan, hal ini dikarenakan faktor pendanaan pengembangan perpustakaan diutamakan untuk penambahan koleksi. Dengan penambahan koleksi buku akan lebih bermanfaat bagi peserta didik. Di samping itu keterbatasan tenaga pengelola perpustakaan yang merupakan guru yang setiap harinya harus mengajar, menjadikan tidak ada petugas khusus yang melayani pengunjung perpustakaan. Sistem penjadwalan piket guru tim perpustakaan harus dijalankan agar tetap melaksanakan tugas mengajar dan megelola perpustakaan. Hal-hal itulah yang memacu ide untuk memecahkan masalah pelayanan perpustakaan. Kekuatan SMKN 1 Tuntang “sekolah digital” yang pada awal berdiri merupakan sekolah yang mengupayakan penggunaan IT (Information and Technology) dalam setiap kegiatan pembelajaran, evaluasi dan administrasi. Dengan kekuatan ini akan menjadi solusi untuk pelayanan perpustakaan. Pelayanan minimal perpustakaan berupa kunjungan, peminjaman dan peningkatan literasi di masukan dalam data drive sekolah melalui scan barcode. Dengan tools sederhana ini diharapkan pelayanan pendataan pelayanan perpustakaan akan dimudahkan.
Penulis : Naumi Ambarwati, S.Th., Guru SMKN 1 Tuntang
Editor : Nurul Rahmawati, M.Pd., Guru SMKN 1 Tuntang
25 komentar
Firman Jati P, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023
Books in the School Library Few
Criticism: The library at this school is not very pleasant because there are not many books available. This also reduces students’ interest in visiting the library.
Suggestion: I hope the school will increase the number of books in the library, thereby increasing students’ interest in reading.
Lunaa, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023
What is said is true, books are a need for students at school to add insight into knowledge. Books can be found in the school library. When borrowing books, we can use tools that are actually simple to use, but really help students when they want to borrow books at school. For suggestions, you can add the name of the book on each shelf, so that the books are neat and there is no confusion when students want to return books. Barcodes can also be used for loan security, and make it easier to identify books. Keep the spirit in studying and continue to develop your creativity.
Wildan Nurul Huda, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023
The school library is one of the trivial things, but it is very much needed in a school. Not just an ordinary library but schools must have a representative library. Where the representative in question is able to meet the books needs of students. Thus the existence of an adequate library is important for schools. Unfortunately, the library is also used for classes.
Ahmad khisan setiawan, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023
The library of SMK 1 tunting very cool
And god. lon akkuber hopes that this school will increase kls for students at ki tuntang sungai baik and smile,griteng and gritings. the library now has a cheel phone scan for polling who borrowwed the book. hoppefully in the future smk 1 tunting can have and breakbreakthroug another cutting eat edge breakthroug.
Muhammad Raihan Zufar, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023
The library of smk n 1 tuntang has many books in it. The books in this library are neatly arranged to make it comfortable to look at. Even though it is close to the rice fields, the atmosphere is cool and calm when reading books in this library. There is also a barcode scan installed in one of the cupboards. This motivation makes collecting data on visits or loans easier.
Naufal Dzaki, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023
Thanks to Mrs.Naumi,and team who have managed the school library.I hope nert time the teachers of SMKN 1 Tuntang can make another inovation.However,i also hope that the library can stand alone.And do not join with my class. See you guys on top
Setefen heriyanto, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
smk n 1 tuntang has many books in it. The books in this library are neatly arranged to make it comfortable to look at. Even though it is close to the rice fields, the atmosphere is cool and calm when reading books in this library. There is also a barcode scan installed in one of the cupboards. This motivation makes collecting data on visits or loans easier
Setefen heriyanto, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
The condition of the student bathrooms is very poor, there is a lot of damage to the doors, walls and roof of the bathrooms. My suggestion is that the school needs to rebuild a new student bathroom because this facility is very important and needed by students.
Muhamad ridho kuncoro, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
Thank you madam principal and also the teachers of SMKN 1 TUNTANG for facilitating the school library even though it is still mixed with the TJKT class. In the future hopefully there will be a place to put more books or there will be a building of its own for the library. I hope we get a new class. So, the class is not joined again.
Vera DeftiYanti M, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
I agree with the author because literacy is important. Having a library can encourage students to be literate. I also agree with the ideas presented by the author. It is because they can solve the problem, by utilizing modern technology, this school can overcome its limitations. I hope SMKN 1 Tuntang can build the bigger library than before.
Ridwan Musthofa, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
I agree with the author. It is true that the purpose of students is to seek knowledge in the library. The library is also good for reading books because that is the place there. Due to limited space, you have to use whatever is there. So we also have to take care of things in the library too.
Sekar Arum Anniha, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
Libraries are still joined by other classes. The number of books is still relatively small. The classroom was also a bit cramped. My suggestion might be to expand the room and separate the classroom and library and add to the collection of books, both textbooks and story books, novels, and others. Thanks to the librarian Mrs. Naumi who have managed it well.
Ananda Abdul. H., Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
The library of SMKN 1 Tuntang is still very minimal. Because the theory room and the library are one and the books in the library are still very few. My suggestion is that the school can add another building for the theory room. And for books, you can add story books or fiction. So many criticisms and suggestions from me hopefully useful.
Tisya maulidina, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
Indeed, at SMKN 1 Tuntang there are still very few books. And also the library room with the theory room is still one. This makes students who want to read a little difficult. As for my suggestion, hopefully in the future we can build another building for the library and theory room. And for the books, you can add more novels, stories and more. Hopefully in the future the library of SMKN 1 Tuntang will be better so that students can read comfortably.
Kezya Adya Adisty. D, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
I totally agree with that. Because the existence of a library in the school will increase students interest in reading. Although limited, it doesn’t reduce students interest in reading and learning. My suggestion is to add the book collection. So that students can read more books. I thank the school for providing a library to help student learning
Nasukha, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
Thank you to Mrs. Putri Wahyuningsih and the teacher team at SMKN 01 Tuntang. Thank you for your patience with us. I hope that this school will be even more advanced in the future. I dream that I get a new classroom and new library building. Please give US the best facility Mrs. Maryati.
Devi wulandari, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
The library of SMK Negeri 1 Tuntang has many books in it. The school library is one of the trivial things, but it is very much needed in a school. When borrowing books, we can use tools that are actually easy to use, but really help students when they want to borrow books at school. Unfortunately, libraries are also used for classes. And for suggestions, I hope you can add the name of the book on each shelf, so that the books are neatly arranged and there is no confusion when students want to take books.
karen ga jecha andriano, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
What is said is true, books are a need for students at school to add insight into knowledge. Books can be found in the school library. When borrowing books, we can use tools that are actually simple to use, but really help students when they want to borrow books at school. For suggestions, you can add the name of the book on each shelf, so that the books are neat and there is no confusion when students want to return books. Barcodes can also be used for loan security, and make it easier to identify books. Keep the spirit in studying and continue to develop your creativity.
M.YULIYANTO, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
SMK N1 Tuntang facilitated by the library. The SMK N1 Tuntang library has many books in it. This library is located in the TJKT 1 classroom. Unfortunately the library doesn’t have the names of the books yet, I hope the book shelves will be given the names of the books soon. Suggestions for the library to be separate from the TJKT 1 class and establish a new room.
Karena ga jecha andriano, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
What is said is true, books are a need for students at school to add insight into knowledge. Books can be found in the school library. When borrowing books, we can use tools that are actually simple to use, but really help students when they want to borrow books at school. For suggestions, you can add the name of the book on each shelf, so that the books are neat and there is no confusion when students want to return books. Barcodes can also be used for loan security, and make it easier to identify books. Keep the spirit in studying and continue to develop your creativity.
bagus wahyu saputra, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
I agree with that because by doing that students don’t have to go all the way to the library. By doing that students will be more diligent in studying and can increase students’ interest in reading. I hope this method can be improved so that local residents can read books at this school, cheers. I also hope that we have a new school library building next year.
Achmad Anwi Ardlowi, Kamis, 9 Feb 2023
What is said is true, books are a need for students at school to add insight into knowledge. Books can be found in the school library. When borrowing books, we can use tools that are actually simple to use, but really help students when they want to borrow books at school. For suggestions, you can add the name of the book on each shelf, so that the books are neat and there is no confusion when students want to return books. Barcodes can also be used for loan security, and make it easier to identify books. Keep the spirit in studying and continue to develop your creativity.
Mahayu Resti Alindi, Jumat, 10 Feb 2023
congratulations to SMK N 1 TUNTANG for winning the drama stage. I hope that when you perform the drama stage again, you can get another champion. become a reliable character and can also be successful. can be proud of school again to be good. Keep it up .
nandita prasetyaningrum, Selasa, 14 Feb 2023
Hopefully the Tuntang Vocational School in the future will have room for access to the library. Because the library is very useful in order to gain broad insight. And in the library room you can add even more friends. And hopefully there will be more books in the library and librarian who the library. hopefully there will be visits, loans and increased literacy
negare bali land freehold, Selasa, 28 Feb 2023
Тhey have established ɑn impressive namе for themselveѕ, being not
just extremely professional, but also honest and truⅼy determined to provide ʏߋu with the
veгy best in eveгy sense.