: - Jumat, 17-01-2025
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Siswi SMKN Satu Atap Tuntang Juarai Drama Pertunjukan Rakyat

Akhir tahun 2022, peserta didik SMK Negeri Satu Atap Tuntang menorehkan sebuah prestasi. Prestasinya adalah peserta didik SMKN Satu Atap Tuntang mampu memenangkan juara 2 lomba drama Pertunjukan Rakyat, yang dilaksanakan pada Kamis, 29 Desember 2022. Lomba drama diselenggarakan di gedung P2PNFI Ungaran, merupakan lomba media sosialisasi ketentuan bidang cukai bersama FK Metra Kabupaten Semarang tahun 2022. Judul dari drama yang ditampilkan ialah Larang Sithik Nanging Manfaat Gawe Negoro, artinya Mahal Sedikit Namun Bermanfaat Untuk Negara. Diperankan oleh 4 (empat) siswi jurusan Tata Busana (TB) SMKN Satu Atap Tuntang yakni Annisa Ikasari, Elsa Fatika, Ifwa Furaikha dan Miftah Nurhidayah, bersama beberapa anggota Sanggar Seni Budaya Perdikan.

Drama yang ditampilkan menceritakan penjelasan Pak Babin (Bhabinkamtibmas) tentang undang-undang pentingnya rokok ilegal, cukai, manfaat dan hukuman jika melanggar. Penjelasan tersebut ditujukan kepada 2 orang tetangga yang hobi merokok dan seorang sales rokok ilegal. Berlatih dalam 4 hari saja, para pemeran drama sanggup berakting dengan baik dan penuh penghayatan. Annisa Ikasari sangat senang mengikuti perlombaan ini, “Bergabung dengan Sanggar Seni Budaya Perdikan dan mengikuti lomba drama membuat saya senang. Karena saya mendapatkan ilmu teater lebih mendalam. Selain itu saya juga dapat berkenalan dengan banyak seniman di Tuntang Kabupaten Semarang.” Selain mendapatkan kaos T-Shirt, pemenang lomba drama juga mendapatkan uang pembinaan dan uang transportasi.


Penulis          : Nurul Rahmawati, M.Pd., Guru SMKN Satu Atap Tuntang

58 komentar

Suparna, Rabu, 11 Jan 2023

Jangan berpuas diri belajar terus


    admin, Rabu, 11 Jan 2023

    Terima kasih atas bimbingan Bapak Suparna kepada peserta didik SMKN 1 Tuntang.


Firna maulina, Rabu, 11 Jan 2023

Sangat hebat,semangat terus mba” mas”


    admin, Rabu, 11 Jan 2023

    Terima kasih atas dukungannya.


Imanuel satria Bima Sanjaya, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023

Congratulations for your achievement. I hope you can inspire US to be better and improve our skills. Keep your spirit and good luck. This is me from X TO 1. I am Imanuel.


KHABIB ADI S, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023

let’s register at SMK N 1 Tuntang, an online-based school, the teachers are very friendly, the school is beautiful and comfortable…Congratulations for elsa, nisa, ifwa and miftah.


David Reihan Adi Saputra, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023

It is very cool because students of SMK N 1 Tuntang was able to win the people’s performance competition which was held on Thursday,29 December 2022. Congratulations you bring you are amazing. I hope one day I can also reach my achievement.


Ahmad arfiyansiyah, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023

the art studio is very good and good because it can get second place from other schools in Semarang district I am very impressed with SMKN 1 roof tuntang


Mohamad Dandy oktavian, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023

This is really cool because Six students
Tuntang was able to win the folk show competition which was held on Thursday, December 29, 2022 Congratulations, you brought victory


Abid Hibban A.P, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023

let’s register at SMK N 1 Tuntang, an online-based school, the place is beautiful, the teacher is friendly. I hope we can improve our talent in the next competition.


Fadhil, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023

Congratulations to Annisa Ikasari, Elsa Fatika Ifwa Furaikha and Miftah Nurhidayah, I hope that in the future they can achieve even more at this school and thanks to the teachers. I hope we can reach the other achievement.


M.ABDILAH.F.K, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023

congratulations on the champion you have won, I hope that in the future you can get the champion again, and I congratulate the teachers who have guided their students to become champions, and I also congratulate the students who won it


M.ABDILAH.F.K, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023

congratulations on the champion you have won, I hope that in the future you can get the champion again, and I congratulate the teachers who have guided their students to become champion


Mohamad Dandy oktavian, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023

Ini sangat keren karena siswa Six N

Tuntang mampu menjuarai lomba pertunjukan rakyat yang digelar pada Kamis, 29 Desember 2022 Selamat anda membawa piala


Farikh Irfan abadi, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023

I really appreciate and proud of your achievement.I hope student of SMKN 1 Tuntang can improve their talent and skills.good luck for us


Akmal Andromeda, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023

It is very cool because students of Six SMKN 1 Tuntang was able to win the people s performance competition which was held on Thursday, 29 December 2022 Congratulations you bring a great name of SMKN 1 Tuntang.


Zidan dwi andika, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023

Cool, those six students were really cool because they were able to win the competition and also brought the good name of their school, namely SMK N 1 Tuntang


Nedy Bagas Setiawan, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023

It is very cool because students of SMKN 1 Tuntang was able to win the people s performance competition which was held on Thursday, 29 December 2022. Congratulations you have showed the world that SMKN 1 tuntang is the best school in Semarang District.


M.HAIKAL AKBAR, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023

Enthusiasm for her brother, I hope that in future competitions she will win 1st place and for students of SMKN 1 TUNTANG to increase social and cultural knowledge so that SMKN 1 TUNTANG will progress and be known by many people. Good luck for us and always do the best.


Denis Arrijal, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023

Congratulations to the winners of the People’s Drama Competition and don’t forget to always thank the teachers who have guided us in learning and gaining knowledge.


Akbar dermawan, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023

SMKN 1 TUNTANG is an extraordinarily great school, because it can teach drama arts that tell good stories and bring a lot of motivation to continue working in the arts. keep spirit and never give up


Muhamad rizky saputra, Jumat, 3 Feb 2023

The best and talent students can improve school’s quality.there are also various art talents in SMKN 1tuntang.iam very proud of my school.i will always gain my skills


Dhonan Zhalifunas, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

Congratulations for your achievement. I hope you can inspire US to be better and improve our skills. Keep your spirit and good luck. May next time you guys can teach me how to perform a drama. Good luck and always the best my friends.


Ridho, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

Congratulations to the winners of the People’s Drama Competition. Don’t forget to always thank to the teachers who have guided us in learning and gaining knowledge. Keep your spirit and do your best. You guys have inspired us to train soft skills. We always support you all.


Thufail Fika prastyo, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

SMKN 1 Tuntang is an extraordinarily great school. It colaborates with Sanggar Perdikan to teach art. It can teach drama arts that tell good stories and bring a lot of motivation to continue working in the arts. Keep spirit and never give up. Be better students.


Erlangga Danish Putra Wardanu, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

SMKN 1 Tuntang is a very cool school. Because it can teach dramatic art collaborations that tell good stories and provide a lot of motivation to continue working in the arts and in the fashion sector. Stay confident and never give up. SMKN 1 Tuntang always supports the talents of its students. Always enthusiastic never give up.


Azis Yulian Putra, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

Congratulations, I really appreciate and proud of your achievements. Hopefully students of SMKN 1 Tuntang can improve their talents and skills. Besides that, continue to always be creative. In order to be stocked in the future. Cheer up and always pray.


Raka Nundra Mahessha, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

I really appreciate and proud of your achievement.I hope student of SMKN 1 Tuntang can improve their talent and skills. Good luck for us. We are very proud of SMKN 1 Tuntang. Good luck and be the best


Wahyu Bagus Pujiyanto, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

SMKN 1 TUNTANG is an extraordinarily good school. Because they can teach drama arts that tell good stories and motivate them to continue working in the arts. Keep the spirit and never give up. Hopefully next time we can show a better drama. Good luck.


Muhammad Awan Adyaksa, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

It is very cool because students of SMKN 1 Tuntang was able to win the people’s performance competition. Which was held on Thursday,29 December 2022. Congratulations you bring you are amazing. I hope one day I can also reach my achievement also. Good luck and break a leg.


Atha Alem Idrak, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

Congratulations to SMKN 1 Tuntang for the winner that has been won. Hopefully in the future we can win again. And I congratulate the teachers who have guided their students to become champions. I also congratulate the students who won it. Good luck and always enthusiastic.


Kharisma Nurul, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

This is very cool because six students of SMKN 1 Tuntang were able to win the people’s achievement competition. Congratulations on the championship you won. Hopefully in the future you can win again. I congratulate the students who won it. Good luck and God bless you.


Awa muhammad y, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

Congratulations on the champion you have won. I hope that in the future you can get the champion again. I also congratulate the teachers who have guided their students to become champion. Thanks to Sanggar Perdikan, I hope you break a leg! Good luck and be the best.


M Ilham Syarif, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

Cool, those six students were really cool. It is because they were able to win the competition and also brought the good name of their school, namely SMK N 1 Tuntang. I hope next time we Will have another achievement. Good luck guys. We proud of you.


Nur Hidayat, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

Congratulations to SMKN 1 Atap Tuntang. Congrats is a small word, but we are too excited to see you this happy. Be blessed, forever! We proud of you. Next time you have to make us proud again.


M.sahrul hidayat, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

Congrats to SMKN 1 Atap Tuntang who has won the website making competition. Thanks to cabdin I for the award. We always proud to be a big family of Satap. Thanks for my friends. We always love you!.


Awalluddin fajar Novianto, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

Congratulations to SMK N 1 Tuntang for achieving achievements. Keep up the enthusiasm for Ms


Muhammad farid ferdiyanto, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

Congratulations to Vocational High School Tuntang for winning 2nd place in the People’s Drama. Please don’t be discouraged and keep practicing so that you become more accomplished. I am very proud of my friends, elsa, anisa, miftah and ifwa. I hope you can perform again next time. I will be happy to watch it.


Awalluddin fajar Novianto, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

Congratulations for your achievement. I hope you can inspire us to be better and improve our skills. Keep your spirit and good luck. Thanks to the drama’s tutor. Good luck and always be better students.


Ikhsan Dwi Saputra, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

Congratulations on the championship for the students of SMK Negeri 1 Tuntang and keep up the enthusiasm to win the next championship. Hopefully the knowledge you get will benefit everyone. For friends who haven’t participated in the championship race, don’t hesitate to try. Learn and keep the spirit to be the best. I hope to be a champion and be the pride of the school and parents.


RAFLY.H.M., Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

Congratulations for winning and also making the name of the school proud. Hopefully in the future it can still be with burning effort and determination. Thank you guys. I’m proud of all of you. Next time I wnat to enjoy your performance.


IZZATUL LUTHFIYAH, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

Congratulations to SMKN 1 Tuntang. The school building is nicer. The students reach an achievement and more advanced. I hope success is always for SMKN 1 Tuntang. Good luck for us and be the best.


Hua khusnulia wardani, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

MKN 1 Tuntang is a very cool school. Because it can teach dramatic art collaborations that tell good stories and provide a lot of motivation to continue working in the arts and in the fashion sector. Stay confident and never give up. SMKN 1 Tuntang always supports the talents of its students. Always enthusiastic never give up.


Galih priamboga, Selasa, 7 Feb 2023

Congratulations for your achievement. I hope you can inspire US to be better and improve our skills. Keep your spirit and good luck. Wishing you success and good health in the future. See you on top and may god bless you.


Citra Putri Renata, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

I am very happy to have won the drama competition for the people’s performance which was won by my class XII TB friends. You guys made it a goal to win the competition to win and now you finally won. So, I hope that you fulfill all your wishes and that you don’t have any problems in your life. I wish you good luck with what’s to come. And thank you for making the name of the SMKN 1 Tuntang school proud at the end of 2022. Once again congratulations on the win!


Muhamad ilham fais aidil fitri, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

Congratulations to SMKN 1 Tuntang for the winners who won. Hopefully in the future we can win again. And I congratulate the teachers who have guided their students to become champions. And I hope that SMKN 1 Tuntang is better and can make SMK N 1 Tuntang happy. Thanks also goes to Sanggar Perdikan. Good job everyone


Isnaini Imamah, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

Congratulations on your achievement and keep the spirit to win the next campion. I hope you can be an inspirations for everyone to improve culture and skills. Keep the spirit and good luck. Hopefully in the future we can do more in this school. And I congratulate the teachers and caches wo have guided their students to become Champions.


Ayutia Fadliyah, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

Congratulations on winning the second place in the people’s drama competition. Hopefully can inspire many people. Keep spirit and do your best. Keep the spirit and never give up. Be a better student.


M. Toni Aditiya, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

Congratulations for your achievement. This is really cool because Six students of SMKN 1 Tuntang was able to win the folk show competition which was held on Thursday, December 29, 2022. Congratulations, you brought victory. I hope you can perfom the drama in school. So we can enjoy it.


Arina Nur Zilmi, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

Congratulations to the seniors who have won the competition.Fighting spirit and practicing hard to be able to achive high achievements again. Fighting spirit for friends who join the arts community. Never give up.Keep trying to achive high performance. See you on top.


Irfa Zahrotunnisa, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

congratulations to the students of smkn 1 tuntang who have won the people’s Drama performance.Don’t forget to always thank the teachers who have guided us in gaining knowledge.And don’t forget to thank your parents who always pray for us under any circumstances. I really appreciate and am proud of your achievements. keep spirit and study to the best,to be the pride of the school and parents.


Rifqi fathoni, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

Congratulations on the champions you have won. Hopefully in the future we can win again. I congratulate the teachers who have guided their students to become champions. And I also congratulate the students who have won it. I am proud of SMK N 1 TUNTANG.


Kukuh satria dinnulhaq, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

congratulations on your achievement. I hope I can get inspiration in the drama. Don’t forget to be grateful and grateful to everyone who has contributed to you. I hope next year there will be a drama performance again. I want to watch and enjoy it.


Kukuh satria dinnulhaq, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

congratulations on your achievement. I hope I can get inspiration in drama. Don’t forget to be grateful and grateful to everyone who has contributed to you. Keep up the enthusiasm for your success. Good luck always. I hope next year there will be a drama performance again. I want to watch and enjoy it.


Mahilma Wahda Risma, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

Congrats to SMKN 1 Atap Tuntang who has won the website making competition. don’t forget to always thank the teachers who have guided us in learning and gaining knowledge.keep spirit and never give up.i will always gain my skills.We always support you all.



Congratulations on the champion you have won. This is because they were able to win the competition while at the same time bringing the good name of the school, namely SMKN 1 TUNTANG. Hopefully in the future I can win again I also congratulate the teachers who have guided their students to become champions.Good luck and God bless you. Next time we must be better.


rojab ardiyan saputra, Rabu, 8 Feb 2023

Congratulations on the winner for the students of SMK Negeri 1 Tuntang and keep up the enthusiasm to win the next champion. Hopefully the knowledge gained is useful for everyone. To my friends, to always maintain the good name of the school. I also congratulate the teachers who have guided their students to become champions. Hopefully in the future they can win again.


Mahayu Resti Alindi, Jumat, 10 Feb 2023

congratulations to SMK N 1 TUNTANG for winning the drama stage. I hope that when you perform the drama stage again, you can get another champion. become a reliable character and can also be successful. can be proud of school again to be good. Keep it up .



Tefa Prodi TKJ

Majalah SMKN 1 Tuntang

Data Sekolah

SMKN 1 Tuntang

NPSN : 6990563

Jl. Mertokusumo Candirejo Tuntang Kabupaten Semarang
KEC. Tuntang
KAB. Semarang
PROV. Jawa Tengah
KODE POS 50773
TELEPON 085641080982
FAX 0723-1234567

Novel Karya Siswa

Toilet SMKN 1 Tuntang

Tefa Prodi Tata Busana

Laboratorium Komputer


Januari 2025