Pada Sabtu, 8 April 2023, anggota OSIS SMK Negeri Satu Atap Tuntang mengadakan kegiatan sosial bagi takjil. Pembagian takjil tersebut dilaksanakan di perempatan Jalan Baru, Pulutan, Kota Salatiga. Sekitar 20 (dua puluh) peserta didik yang tergabung dalam OSIS SMKN Satu Atap Tuntang, bahu membahu menyiapkan takjil mulai dari pembelian bahan, pemasakan, pengemasan dan pendistribusian. Kegiatan bagi takjil dapat melatih kepedulian dan keikhlasan peserta didik kepada sesamanya. Selain itu, kegiatan tersebut juga melatih kekompakan dan komunikasi yang baik antar sesama anggota OSIS kelas X (sepuluh) dengan kelas XI (sebelas).
“Alhamdulillah kegiatan OSIS SMKN Satu Atap Tuntang bagi takjil dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Penerima takjil yang sebagian besar pengendara motor dari berbagai daerah sangat senang menerima takjil gratis dari kami,” kata Baihaki Tumenggung, kelas XI TKJ 2, ketua OSIS SMKN Satu Atap Tuntang periode 2022/2023. Pembagian takjil dari anggota OSIS SMKN Satu Atap Tuntang pertama kali dilaksanakan ramadhan ini. Kami berharap di ramadhan-ramadhan berikutnya kegiatan positif lainnya juga bisa diselenggarakan. Semoga Allah SWT memberikan pahala setimpal atas kebaikan yang peserta didik dan warga SMKN Satu Atap Tuntang lakukan.
Penulis : Nurul Rahmawati, M.Pd., Guru SMKN 1 Tuntang
6 komentar
Hilal Fatur Rohman, Kamis, 13 Apr 2023
Keep up the enthusiasm for the TUNTANG 1 state vocational high school, and hopefully it will be useful for those who receive takjil
DAVINDA hp, Kamis, 11 Mei 2023
Keep the spirit and never give up, continue these achievements may Allah reward yo. I hope I can join the event next year. This event also trains our kindness and our skills. I am very proud of you guys.
Arief wahyudi, Kamis, 11 Mei 2023
I am happy to see my friends’ kindness. They are very good persons because they shared their energy and money for other people. I hope I can join the event next year. Good luck and I am very proud of you.
Exercise, Kamis, 8 Jun 2023
I am thankful for you and your generosity.
psh XTJK1, Selasa, 13 Jun 2023
This takjil distribution can be replicated for the environment, and can also help the community, for example, people who cannot afford to break their fast, beggars
from that we can feel the beauty of sharing with fellow human beings
Weigastira Arya Pratama, Jumat, 16 Jun 2023
The distribution of takjil is very good and also very helpful, it can also be replicated for the environment, and can help the community, for example, people who cannot afford to break their fast, beggars
from there we can feel the beauty of sharing with fellow human beings